An organizational development consulting company

DEI Training

Inclusion & Equity Learning Experiences

 Sample Interventions:

Understanding What diversity Is and Is Not. Outcome: Ability to navigate the multiple dimensions we bring to work with us every day to leverage diversity of thought for innovation and creativity. Skills: Responding to alternate perspectives. Adapt to various work styles and communication styles.

What Inclusion in the Workplace Feels Like. Outcome: Ability to use daily skills for creating a healthy work environment where everyone feels welcomed and valued. Skills: Demonstrate affirming micro behaviors. Identify and "call in" exclusionary behaviors. Give/Receive Feedback Non-Defensively. 

Prejudice and Bias are not Bad Words. Outcome: Understanding that these are natural human phenomena; recognize the most common in the workplace. Skills: Utilize bias blockers, structures, and processes to improve communication and decision making. 

Developing Cultural Humility. Outcome: Understanding your unique world view and how it compares to others to cultivate ethno-relativity and openness; ability to function effectively in the context of difference or conflict. Skills: Adapt to variations in timeliness, personal space, verbal/non-verbal communication, relationships, and world views.

Courageous Conversations about Race. Outcome: Begin to build stamina for uncomfortable conversations; get comfortable asking tough questions. Skills: Dealing with racially charged situations; bridge racial empathy gaps.

Workplace Dominant Culture Norms. Outcome: Understand how traditional Western norms such as sense of urgency, perfectionism, over-working, and fear of conflict stifle tapping into the full range of talents across diverse experience and skills. Skills: Specific ways to make the workplace more equitable such as evaluations and promotions across a broader range of competencies; deliver supportive feedback during learning opportunities; developing realistic timelines for quality and sustainability.  

What Institutional Racism Looks Like. Outcome: Understand power dynamics and distribution of resources that impact outcomes for people of color across education, healthcare, employment, housing, politics, economics, and criminal justice. Skills- Identify who benefits and who is disadvantaged by racially motivated policies and practices. Develop a plan to become actively anti-racist.